
Vamp Day - ( Plying with Adobe Photoshop Cs6) - Abhinav

Cant forget the day my friend- Mr. Gaurav sharma and me were discussing on vampires after office ,  about the things they do to survive and the expressions the spark they have !!  wwowo.. and sudden got an idea why not we celebrate the vamp day :D things sometimes go weird hahaaa and we clicked few our best expressions within 3-4 shoots @ my base and was dammn excited to play now.!! using Adobe photoshop cs6 ( which i recently purchased) and love to play with my wacom (pen and touch) sweet lill killer device...  i started painting and editing... and here is the out come after the survey !!  which Blowed his mind and was shocked!!! Haahaaaahaa haa.......

Female - Anatomy 3DModeling ( using Z) - Abhinav

Since  long time no hands on Z brush  now finally took lill time out of mah work.  Clicked  mah brain why not to sculpt something :) And practice few of my old Z tools (brushes)  after mah previous experience on female torso..  :P here is the outcome when i put my hands again!!


Comicon wacom sketch- Angry Hulk_ Abhinav

Character Hulk- Comicon
Details: Digital sketch using wacom in Photoshop
Major-Black &White color tone, use of Burn, dodge and orton- ish tool for final
touch and comicon effect.


Smokey inked ~ROSE Beauties wacom sketch

Concept- Smokey inked ROSE themed on beauties deep into dark arts.
Details: Photoshop cS5 & Cs6 wacom digital paint- Main playing with orange color tone to white, shading
with burn and dodge tool, shadow details on eyes (Gloss) and final touch with Orton-ish tool. 

Concept sketch Robo_Abhinav

Concept sketch and final wacom digi..

CrazyFinger Rough Blackart - sketches